Membership Application


Click on relevant membership form, download and complete digitally.

Full Membership

Commissioned Officers of the Armed Forces, Reserves, Sea Cadet Corps, and Officers of the Merchant Marine.

Associate Membership

Prerequisite:  Applicant needs to be sponsored by a Full Member and have attended Exeter Flotilla meetings as a guest of that member. 

Exeter Flotilla Data Protection Policy

  1. The Flotilla Committee, on behalf of the Membership, recognises the principles in the current Data Protection Act.
  2. The Flotilla acts as a non-profit making association of members.
  3. It records personal data of all members extracted from membership applications.
  4. Only the Committee is privy to the data provided on the application form.
  5. Personal details on photographs will not be provided without personal consent.
  6. No automatic processing of data will take place.
  7. The only information provided to third parties is that necessary for national security.
  8. On departure from the Flotilla, only the rank, name, and last known address of members will be maintained for historical records.

Any queries or complaints regarding this policy should be addressed to the Membership Secretary.

This policy is under the governance of the Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF